Tuesday, 16 April 2013

Everything about the Rocks

Everything about the Rocks

Rocks gathered natural crystalline metals. However, they also contain varying amounts of material is elaborated, in addition to some organic products. The vast majority of the rocks solids, but some are loose, or DNA Kalgdharyat, and some other liquid such as oil, or even an invader. Most rocks are comprised of a variety of metals, but sometimes consist of gathering grains of one nature. The study is called rock Alpetrogravea petrography, a branch of geology [t] key.

Rock types

Distributed rocks, depending on their origin, in three categories:

1 rocks impulsivity that result from the crystallization of magma (magma).

2 sedimentary rocks formed in aqueous media Kalphar and lakes, and produces erosion and corruption oldest rocks.

3 metamorphic rocks and produce from turning ancient rocks (impulsive or sedimentary) under the influence of a significant rise in temperature and / or pressure, without leading to a total fusion of the original material.

The fall impulsivity and metamorphic rocks under the name of rock endogenous (formed in the rear), unlike sedimentary rocks which are called exogenous because they are formed on the surface of the ground or close to the surface.

Sedimentary cover rocks approximately 75% of the surface of the continents. But if we take the depth of the earth's crust into account (from the surface to a depth of 30 or 40 km) are rocks impulsivity is predominant, and account for about 95% of the crust.

Rocks impulsivity:

Usually divided into two broad categories; underground rocks and volcanic rocks. Produces rock underground of the crystallization of magma in the rear, while bearing volcanic rocks to the surface through cracks crust, so Tnbard rocks esoteric slowly, and be a high degree of crystallization, and structured granular, where Vlzadtha visible with the naked eye, unlike the volcanic rocks that Tnbard on the surface, where they are when they arrive to him, to the irrigation incident (such as steel watering). And be very small Vlzadtha, any structure Mkrolitih.

And rocks impulsivity consist primarily of silicates or Alolominossellkat. Despite the presence of more than a thousand metal type, the metals that make up more than 99% of impulsivity rocks belong to a limited number of families metallic. And Metallurgy Home are: silica (especially in the form of quartz quartz), which represents 12% of the total rock impulsivity, and sheets feldspare and Plagioclase (59.5%) plagioclase and pyroxene pyroxene and amphibole (16.8%) amphibole, and Albiotit biotite or mica black (3.8%) and other metals Kalawlevin olivine, and صفاحية metals Kalnevelin neviline and apatite apatite ... and other (6.4%).

Origin of rocks impulsivity: can be likened Alsharrat which produces rock basin impulsivity of dissolved silica containing varying amounts of compressed gas (water vapor, carbon dioxide, etc.). There are two main types of Alsharrat differ from each other according to the origins and the degree primary Hrarthma and chemical Tercibama and Slukithma in the earth's crust;

Alsharrat basalt produces fusion of local bands located at the boundary between the earth's crust and coat (mantle) upper. It is believed that these bands are composed of boulders called Alberidotit.

Alsharrat granite and produced from the fusion of ancient metamorphic rock.

When magma crystallized metals appear according to a specific sequence. Vafilzac with the highest degree of crystallization is formed first, which contains the least amount of silica. In contrast with metals that formed later melting temperature weaker, which rich Balsiles.

Uses rocks impulsivity: rock impulsivity often used in the construction and public works. Add to that several reservoirs of useful materials associated rocks impulsivity. In fact often appear at the end of the magma crystallized metals hot water (Hedrutermalah) in the form of veins, and that is exactly the case of many of the mineral salts of amberjacks and uranium, and of exceptional Kalberaleom metals and diamonds.

Sedimentary rocks:

Produces erosion and corruption oldest rocks, and consists of a series of events, including:

Erosion and corruption: The main factor in the corruption is water. The result of this chemical reaction fragmentation (erosion) of the various elements consisting of rock and unfolding exhibition of corruption (or rock). And become part of these elements (most soluble) to a solution-phase immigrant, while other elements remain intact or merge with each other in the place (the remaining crust) form Gdharyat or water oxides and various oxides. The different stages can be distinguished by the degree of corruption. The erosion varies depending on the climate impact and the importance of the terrain and the structural stability of the region.

Transportation: may be soluble compounds, during the transfer process, to some changes. But the main verb is wear and solid breaks outputs. In general, all the major metals indivisible during transport. But quartz The very high hardness resists fragmentation. And well Algdharyat they float and move on the form of suspensions, not exposed to severe wear or bumped. When weaken current velocity is deposited part of the transferred material in the form of solutions.

Sedimentation: activates detrital material deposition on the edges of continents and continental surfaces, areas under freely to a maximum depth of 150 or 200 meters to forming the so-called detrital rocks. However, it can convey part of the detrital beads to deeper areas due to strong currents. As well as migrate softer beads slowly toward the open sea, and are in the narrow valleys (Gorges) Gdharyat enormous depths.

The chemical precipitation and biochemical Feinst on the edges of the continents, where many of the objects extracted calcium is necessary for building structures limestone (snails) of sea water. Upon the death of these objects and soft yard parts accumulate structures on the bottom.

The direct chemical precipitation is even rarer, form a salt, for example, requires special conditions such as sea water saturation. And explains placed marine sediments currents, where there are many organisms, the presence of these rocks in the form of successive layers, often container fossils.

Growing subsequent: when sludge modern positioning it would be in the form of solving almost saturated with water. And gathered all acts that lead to the transformation of this mud to homogeneous solid rock under the name (cement) or.

Detrital rocks are classified according to measure its composite elements, the rocks of chemical origin and biochemical are classified according to the nature of its main component.

Uses sedimentary rocks: there are a lot of useful material of sedimentary origin, as limestone are widely used in construction, and in the manufacture of plaster and cement. And invest Algdharyat in the brick industry (bricks), ceramic products and solid resistance. Rock salt is also used sodium and potassium salts in chemistry and agriculture. Be some sedimentary rocks combustible such as oil and natural gas.

Also invest economically from uranium sedimentary uranium deposits.

Metamorphic rocks

Produces metamorphic rocks of the oldest rocks shift can be impulsive (initial shift) or mutant (shift-). But usually a matter of sedimentary rocks (parallel shift). So often metamorphic rocks Mttbakh.

Conversion factors and consequences: There are two key factors temperature and pressure; deposition as it leads to the accumulation of several thousand meters of rock, would be subject levels that are deposited first to the very high pressures. However, it is often associated with high pressure movements of the earth's crust, and be the forces acting upon constitute a very high mountain ranges and high-impact, sediment which is subject to severe pressure.

Associated with high temperature depth, where the temperature rises at depth in the earth's crust at one degree Celsius every 30 meters. They can be less than that, according to regions. The origin of this heat back to the disintegration of radioactive elements in the rock (uranium, thorium, potassium), which is accompanied by the emission of heat.

And under the influence of pressure and heat liberated water molecules and hydroxyl radicals OH in metals and rocks, and play an important role in the chemical changes that occur during the transition. Water liberal and high temperature lead to a major adjustment in the metallic composition of the initial rock. Vlzat sedimentary rocks, Kalgdharyat, fixed chemically, become unstable when subjected to conditions shift, show a series of metals new called «metals transformation» (Grina, Onduluzit, Selemanat, Storoid ... etc.), and on the contrary remain other metals Kalmro and sheets fixed , but re-materialization often and increase its dimensions.

As a result happens to rock recrystallization and modify metallic varying intensity, so dependent nature of the metals formed on high heat and pressure, and on the impact and the initial installation of the rock. In contrast, the presence of some transition metals provides information on the pressures and temperatures that prevailed during the emergence of the rock. For example, it is possible to say that Cka becomes contains Alsellimanit that sillimanite before that was rich Balgdhar was formed at temperatures above 400 ° C and under pressure of 45 GPa.

The reaction pressure varies a bit, besides heat is easy to recrystallization and deformation in rocks. Vafilzac formed amorphous and in the center is subject to pressure from the private, go to these pressures. Thus reflected the impact in the form of pressure applied or foliate most metamorphic rocks and so-called rock crystal

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